Blog Articles

The skill of getting back on track (Holiday Tips #3)
The skill of getting back on track (Holiday Tips #3)
Dec 22nd, 2023

These two studies show us why food quality is important
These two studies show us why food quality is important
Nov 3rd, 2023

The difference between fatigue and hip replacement
The difference between fatigue and hip replacement
Aug 4th, 2023

Avoiding or delaying is better than surviving
Avoiding or delaying is better than surviving
Apr 7th, 2023

You need to understand healthspan
Healthspan is the length of time spent living a high quality life.
Mar 31st, 2023

The Sweet Spot in Your Health
The Sweet Spot is the intersection between medical science and your life.
Mar 24th, 2023

Do I Really Have to Pay Attention to My Health All of The Time?
Do I Really Have to Pay Attention to My Health All of The Time?
Jun 29th, 2021

These 2 Studies Show Us Why Food Quality Is Important
These 2 studies show us why food quality is important
Jun 14th, 2021

Two Ingredients Needed to Improve Your Health Using Lifestyle
Two Ingredients Needed to Improve Your Health Using Lifestyle
Jun 7th, 2021

What Foods Do I Need to Avoid If I Have Prediabetes?
What Foods Do I Need to Avoid If I Have Prediabetes?
May 25th, 2021

5 Tips for Getting Healthy When You're Too Busy
5 Tips for Getting Healthy When You're Too Busy
May 17th, 2021

5 Steps for Building a Sustainable Healthy Eating Plan
5 Steps for Building a Sustainable Healthy Eating Plan
May 11th, 2021

4 Goals for Every Healthy Eating Plan
In this part 1 of a 3 part series, let's learn about the 4 goals that every healthy nutrition plan needs to meet for it to be successful for you.
Apr 19th, 2021

4 Questions About Carbohydrates
4 Questions About Carbohydrates
Let's start at the beginning, and answer 4 basic questions about carbohydrates to help you understand what role they play in your nutrition and how you can use nutrition to help achieve good health.
Apr 12th, 2021

Minimum effective dose and prediabetes
What would you do if you were shipwrecked on a desert island? Where would you start? Food? Shelter? Water?
The "Robinson Crusoe" phenomenon states that when we have limited time, we can't do everything - at least not well. Something has to give.
Apr 5th, 2021

Menopause, muscle mass, and prediabetes
Menopause is a time when women face special challenges when it comes to maintaining health, controlling blood sugar, and living well.
One of these challenges relates to loss of muscle.
Mar 30th, 2021

Hey Doc, is this food good? Or bad?
Hey Doc, is this food good? Or bad?
Diet culture teaches us to label foods as good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. It's rarely that black and white.
Here's another way to look at food using a game called "Better Than."
Mar 22nd, 2021

3 tips for building good habits to beat prediabetes
Good habits can be hard!
Building good habits is one key strategy for improving health, but it can be one of the harder to implement well.
Watch this short training for insights about habits and 3 tips you can use to help yourself dial in your habits.
Mar 9th, 2021

Use spices to control blood sugar and improve health
Use spices to control blood sugar and improve health
Mar 1st, 2021

Sign up for notice regarding COVID-19 vaccine availability in Boulder County
A link to be notified when COVID-19 vaccine is available
Jan 3rd, 2021

2 Interesting Observations About Your Brain
2 Interesting Observations About Your Brain
Dec 17th, 2020

It's The People Who Follow The Program Who Get The Results
A weight loss study shows two key findings important for us as we pursue good health through lifestyle changes - (1) It's the people who follow the program who get the results, and (2) It doesn't have to be perfect.
Oct 14th, 2020

Effective Stress Relief
Stress relief is super important during COVID-19. Some methods of stress relief are effective, but many forms of stress relief that we rely on turn out not to work. Learn the difference between the two and how you can relieve stress effectively.
Oct 2nd, 2020

What Is Good Health For?
What is it for?
Not too long ago I listened to a talk by Seth Godin titled “Stop Stealing Dreams” in which he discussed the educational system.
Jul 22nd, 2020

The Formula For Success
Changing behavior can be hard
It can be really hard to change habits and routines, to live healthier lifestyle.
Jul 15th, 2020

Set Your Intention, Receive Good Health
Atomic Habits
In his book Atomic Habits writer James Clear describes a study where researchers wanted to help 248 adults build better exercise habits. They divided the subjects into 3 groups.
Jul 8th, 2020

There Are No Shortcuts to Good Nutrition
When I was in medical school and learning how to perform basic tasks, like reading an ECG or a chest x-ray, I was taught very specific protocols for each process. For example, reading an ECG was RRABEIIM – rate, rhythm, axis, bundles, enlargements,...
Jun 25th, 2020

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes is Possible – Results From the DiRECT Trial
There's a different approach to type 2 diabetes proven to be effective at achieving diabetes remission.
Jun 9th, 2020
Navigating the White Water – A Recommendation for Health Coaching
Meet your river guide
Just before I got married, several of my friends took me on a guys’ adventure day, which included a day whitewater rafting on the Arkansas River.
Jun 5th, 2020

Cleaning Up Debris, Again. Sigh.
Yesterday I swept out my garage in the morning. It’s amazing how quickly the dust and dirt accumulates in that space.
May 27th, 2020

Eat Dinner Like A Pauper?
“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”
It’s likely you’ve heard this statement before.
May 21st, 2020

The Hero’s Body, Part 2 – Who Says Exercise Can’t Be Enjoyable?
The Value of Exercise
You know that exercise is important. The body just doesn’t work right if you are not moving.
May 15th, 2020

The Hero’s Body, Part 1 – Nutrition Is A System
Is this food healthy?
Before the pandemic, I ordered a latte from a local barista. In our exchange, the barista mentioned I might like to try it with coconut milk, because it’s “healthier than cow’s milk.”
May 6th, 2020

Boost Your Immune Function By Calling An Old Friend
Reconnecting with old friends during COVID-19
As I write this, one of my college housemates, a cardiologist in Miami, has been sick with COVID-19 and on a ventilator for almost a month.
Apr 29th, 2020

The World Needs You To Be A Hero
Everyone loves a hero
When I was a kid, every week I could not wait for Saturday morning cartoons. I would get up, race downstairs with my sister, and spend the next 2-3 hours watching the week’s new shows.
Apr 29th, 2020

What Are Your Important Life Buckets?
I beat myself up pretty well last week.
During this time of coronavirus and social distancing I had grand plans to take advantage of fewer commitments and increased downtime to accomplish so much.
Apr 15th, 2020

8 Practices To Increase Your Joy
The 8 Pillars of Joy
My daughter Maddie is a science and math geek (much like her father). But she’s also got this really cool artistic side.
Apr 9th, 2020

Shouldn’t Eating Be Enjoyable?
Where does your mind go when you eat?
I heard this question recently when listening to the Ten Percent Happier podcast interview with Evelyn Tribole, one of the developers of the intuitive eating.
Apr 2nd, 2020

It Seemed Like Everything Was Falling Apart
His blood sugar was up, and he was feeling like everything was falling apart.
James’ system was breaking.
Mar 20th, 2020

How To Use Tiny Habits To Improve Your Health
Ready, Set…Fizzle
Karl* wants to get back into the habit of running regularly. He’s gained about 10 pounds over the last 2 years, and where he used to regularly hit the trails about 5 times weekly, lately he’s “just not motivated” to get out the...
Mar 11th, 2020

Are You An Abstainer Or A Moderator?
Confession Time
My 15-year-old son has a metabolism like a hummingbird. It seems that if he doesn’t eat every 2 hours he’s likely to waste away.
Mar 4th, 2020

A Nutrition Lesson For People Who Don’t Want To Eat Keto
Headlines won’t always tell you the whole truth
I’d like to come back to the question of “what’s the best diet?”
Feb 27th, 2020

Your Highly Processed Food Audit And Action Plan
“Overfed and Undernourished”
One hundred years ago, if you ate a food that had calories, it also contained nutrients – vitamins, minerals, and other small molecules that help your body produce energy, heal itself, and fight infection and cancer.
Feb 20th, 2020

Your Added Sugar Audit And Action Plan
Time for an Added Sugar Audit
Today we’ll focus on reducing or eliminating added sugar from your diet. But before we get to that, let me give you some background information.
Feb 12th, 2020

The Diabetes Fire Triangle And How Many Carbs You Can Eat
The Diabetes Fire Triangle and How Many Carbs You Can Eat
“You have diabetes.”
Jane was not surprised to hear those words.
Jan 30th, 2020

It’s February 22 nd , you just realized you haven’t used your new gym membership in almost 3 weeks, and your plan to lose weight on the keto diet was blown up by a bag of Cheetos, a bottle of wine, and Seinfeld reruns. In your MSG-induced fog, you ask...
Feb 28th, 2019
Improve Your Health In 5 Steps – Step #1: Aspiration
You’ve known for some time that you want to improve your health. You’re carrying extra pounds you can’t seem to drop, or you lack energy to enjoy your kids after work, or you feel like your concentration is lacking and your brain is foggy.
Feb 15th, 2019
What Is Optimal Health?
Optimal. Adj. Most desirable or satisfactory.
Do you strive to achieve optimal health? Have you ever thought about your health this way?
Oct 19th, 2018
I Still Believe In Science
Recently I was asked to do a newspaper interview about a best-selling book that discussed treatment of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (low thyroid function caused by one’s own immune system). In the end I was not thrilled with the accuracy of the information...
Oct 18th, 2018
vi·tal·i·ty: noun. The state of being strong and active
What does it mean to have vitality? Take a look at the definition above.
Oct 18th, 2018
Practicing In The Sweet Spot
I strive to practice medicine in the “Sweet Spot” that sits right where medical science and your individual circumstances meet. Medical science tells us how to best treat certain populations, then you and I figure out how to best apply that science...
Oct 18th, 2018