You need to understand healthspan

Healthspan is the length of time spent living a high quality life.
Why it matters:
In the sketch above, length of life is shown on the X-axis, while quality of life is represented on the Y-axis. The image shows 3 benefits of improving healthspan, which on the graph would be to move from the red line toward the green line.
- Greater healthspan leads to greater lifespan. While not always true, in general those who have greater health generally live longer. (Arrow marked #1)
- Greater healthspan leads to more years spent in a high-quality state. Those with greater healthspan live more years free of disease, disability, and pain. They spend more time enjoying activities and loved one and fewer years battling their health. (Arrows marked #2)
- Greater healthspan leads to less time spent battling disability. People with greater healthspan live fewer years with poor quality of life - disability, disease, pain, and suffering (Arrows marked #3)
What you can do:
Stay tuned! Over the next several weeks I will be explaining a framework for improving healthspan I've discussed with many of you, at least in part, based on your questions and comments to the sketches on my exam room walls (please see the pictures below).
Going Deeper:
- Washington University of St. Louis - Healthspan is more important than lifespan, so why don’t more people know about it?
- Nature Medicine: Longevity leap: mind the healthspan gap
Have a good week,
Dr. Topher Fox
P.S. Below are the pictures from my exam room walls which are the inspiration for this email series. Thanks for your interest, comments, and questions!
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